After the hard work through studio sessions, Ms Zoe has titled her debut single, Super Love. According to the artiste, her life inspired the lyrics of the R&B track which has soft rap and a soft singing voice the depicts the message in the song. She used the song to encourage herself on love, something that probably was running from her, although she refused to disclose that to me.
“The song ‘Super Love’ is more like my life, and that is how I want my love to be, not something ordinary but super.By super, you can call it ‘hot cake’, but it is surely not for everyone. When the cupid arrow will strike, it will surely be one shot”
Speaking to on the value of her super love, Ms Zoe said “My Supper Love doesn’t cost a thing, you just have to be you andif it works for you, you get it, else, you are still one of the wanna be guys that I know. It actually goes for one special and handsome person”
Ms Zoe currently is working on a mixtape and hopes to come in through the front door of the music industry and to the Anambra State born artiste, success is the only option, while hard work is the only path.