You might be wondering why it had to be this story, but I found it touching and decided to tell it my own way, yet not removing a single truth from it.


Sometimes I wonder how much we can do for a fellow human being to become super hero. Maybe playing Batman or Superman could be far from real, but giving up your honour for the comfort of another is one of the greatest sacrifices we can make. Giving up something we might not be getting back for the rest of our lives, that is the true giving. When givers turn heroes.


Katrina Thompson had the kind of hair most women down here would do so much to have, but for the love she had for Guide Dogs, which are well trained dogs that aide blind and partially sighted people in moving about freely.


Although we don’t really have such here, yet I found the story touching as this lady whom I call a hero could let go of her beauty and looks just to raise £200.

According the story on, on June 30, 2012, her friends dared her and she took advantage of it to raise money for the dogs and other pets. While reading the story with a girl that visited me, she said “I can’t even get close to doing that for a dog, but if I have to, the money must be going straight into my account” then I smiled and said to her “This lady is a hero”

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Just to show you how heroes are appreciated, after losing her hair with the help of Poppys Hairdressing in Hartlepool, in the presence friends, family members, supporters and guide dogs, Katrina tripled her £200 target and walked away with £600 which instantly went to The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (

You would be expecting another move from Katrina, but this is what she had to say after the fund raising, when she was asked the next thing she would be planning “Next? Nothing quite so radical! Supporting the fund raising team with their efforts and working hard on a family fun day in the planning”

In Nigeria, we don’t really care much about pets and we still don’t have programmes to help us exploit their total potentials, this is a good culture to borrow, with Guide Dogs in Nigeria, lots of blind and partially sighted people would have hope to live their lives just like all of us.


Katrina is still accepting donations, and for more information on that, visit, or contact her via Twitter @Katrina_T19.

Katrina Thompson, as I make the list of heroes I know, be sure to find your name there.