Dear Bro. Fuston,


I have compared what you are doing with some others and I found out that yours has a spiritual angle so I encourage you to keep it up.

My question to you is very brief and I hope you will give me an urgent answer.

My boy friend is a university graduate, but he has been unemployed since four years he left school. He is 36 years old now and has been very eager to get married but has no money or anybody to fund his marriage. I have known him for like two years, he is a wonderful person and from all indications can treat a woman well as his wife.

I love him and would have said yes to his proposal to me, but I am afraid of doing so because for now he can’t fend for himself let alone fending for a family.


I manage a small business centre which cannot take care of my needs and his and the children in case we get married and start having children, but he has been disturbing me to marry him because he hopes to get a job someday and could be able to take care of his family since that is my only condition to accept his proposal.

I am 34 years old. Please advise me.

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Dear Constance,

If you think you can’t cope with this man’s unemployment better keep away from him, tell him it will not work out because he is unemployed.

But if you love him like you said, you can encourage him to get a job even if it means creating one for himself. Being a graduate is not an excuse for indolence, if the white- collar jobs are not coming; he can go into other things that will help put food on his table.

A man that cannot feed his family the Bible said is worst than an infidel, tell him that he must start doing something to earn money no matter how little if you must accept him as your husband.

That love you have for him will vanish into thin air probably one year of his staying idle at home; also the love will blossom when he goes out and brings food for the family.

God has made it that a man should provide for his home while the wife will serve as a help mate to him.

Swapping of these roles ordained by God sometimes brings trouble in the house.

At 36, he should not sit back for the wife to win bread for him, so urge him to make a move if he must marry you.

Happy weekend.