Dear Bro. Fuston,


Thank you very much for being there for troubled minds. God will surely solve all your problems.

I am a 25-year-old student of Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo.

Presently, I am in a relationship with a guy that told me that he is 38 years of age. Our relationship is only five months old and this guy whom I have not seen in person and he has not seen me has proposed to me.



He is based in Europe. We became friends through his elder sister that lives in the same street with us.

We only speak on the phone and he has sent money to me on few occasions through Western Union. He sounds nice, romantic and God-fearing which is what I desire in my would-be husband.

My only fear is that I am yet to see him and know if he is who I would want for a husband because I know that if he is pleasing to my eyes then my heart will accept him.

I have asked him to return home but he told me that he will be returning after one year.


His sister is disturbing me to accept his proposal so that they could commence marriage rite immediately. The pressure from them is becoming too much, so I am confused. The woman is nice to my family but I don’t want to make mistakes.

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Please, assist me.


Imo State Polytechnic.

Dear Ukamaka,

Thank you for your prayers. I cannot advise you to accept marriage with a guy you hardly know. Why are they in a hurry, since the man is to return in one year to come.

Marriage is not contracted blindly. You must see the man that intends to marry you to ascertain if he is what you want for a husband.

Take time to look before you leap. Concentrate more on your studies, but don’t keep the window of the friendship closed, tell him to come home first for you to see him before the final decision on his proposal.

Marriage is not like mere friendship you hurriedly hump into and hurriedly jump out of it. Respectfully tell his elder sister to persuade his brother to at least visit home for you two to see him in person.

Gone are those days people marry by exchange of pictures. This is a once and for all decision so I encourage you to pause and ponder so that you will arrive at the best decision.

Take care and happy weekend.