Dozzy David

Gospel artistes are rather seen as ministers than the celebrities they are supposed to be. This has prompted most of them to be on the low unlike their counterparts in other secular genres who live their lives like the pages of newspapers and blogs are meant for them alone.
 While most of them do not embark on promotional tours like other artistes do, their popularity is always never compared to that of their counterparts and in some funny cases, they end of becoming the fans of their counterparts in the secular genres.
A group that understands the meaning of promotion is De Dukes, owners of Duke City Records who are set to unveil their first gospel artiste in the label, Dozzy David.
Born as Nweke Nnadozie, the Imo State University Undergraduate of Optometry made his  choice between his course of study and music while speaking with at the event that marked his unveiling at Duke City Records headquarters in Owerri.


“I will always pick music anytime because it’s just like what I was born to do. God blessed me with a good voice and a brain to put words into music and I’m going to use it to enlarge His kingdom.
Optometry is my course of study and music is a way of life for me. So I will simply say that ‘I live music’ and study Optometry” he said.
It might still sound controversial on how a gospel artiste will be signed to a label owned by a hip-hop and dancehall duo, but the De Dukes through Fizzy Fly Boy were quick to clear the air for their artiste, saying that they will in no way influence their artistes, especially when it comes to switching genre.
“Dozy has the talent and we basically oversee his productions and management.  Working under our label does not mean we will change him or probably make him leave the gospel music he has chosen to do.
We will only bring out the best in him because aside doing hip-hop, we are Christians and very good ones.
We have eye for talent and good music. We also know how to get around the country within a short time when it comes to promotions. These are qualities heeds needs to make a good take off, and we have his back for real”
Dozzy is finalizing works on song titled ‘Haleluya’ in which he featured Mark T another gospel star form the state. Although no release date has been fixed for its release, ‘Haleluya’ is what I termed a revolution in modern day Nigerian gospel music, following the footsteps of hits like ‘Igwe’ by Midnight Crew and others.

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