Oh Christ!!! Jeez!!! Oh, my God!!! These were the exclamations accompanying our facial expressions… we shouted because we nearly lost our precious, our dear, and love
Let me tell you about her. Her name is Sandra. She had really helped me in my writing adventure. She was introduced to me by my boss Chinedu Hardy Nwadike, CEO O’town Gist Entertainment.


She encouraged and motivated me to write on the promise that she was going to touch it. She helped me write my first volume of poetry “Rhythm of the Soul”. After the great designs and editing she did for me, she encouraged me to put down the second poetic short story. “The forbidden love” and also the sequel to Rhythm of the Soul titled “Solace of the Soul”. She loved the both works. When I asked my boss about his book, and its which he is still working on, he told me Sandra will help him get through both works.
Though poetry collections had not been published she said I should keep writing that publication would come some day. I know my boss love her, I think I do too. To tell the truth, my first official computer usage, she taught me, with the help of my boss.
She was a great asset and instrument to my writing and I do not know why my boss would have to date someone else, even when she has been so helpful to him and I can’t date her either, because she is way too young and intelligent for me.
Also, she was an instrument to the creation of the biggest entertainment website in Owerri www.otowngist.com, and yet her misfortune came on the Wednesday 17th of April 2013, the special day O’town Gist crew celebrated her one year anniversary.
We were all hanging out in a photo studio taking pictures for the big celebration. When someone suddenly came into the studio, struck her down and trampled on her.
When we noticed her fate, we rushed to find no one was responsible for the person disappeared and is unknown till this moment.
She was down and we thanked God, she was not dead. Even though she was bleeding and sustained injuries on her face. We were so lucky. My boss was also her doctor nearly shed tears, but holding back the tears is what makes him a man.
He realized how he loved her, even though he loved his mother the more. He estimated the cost for treating her injuries and realized that it is better we lost the money than losing her to death.
The celebration was ruined after that. Even though my boss took us to fast food to refresh and celebrate our one year, as well as the birthday of one of us Ogechukwudi Uzor.
 The whole thing was sad.
Here are our misfortunes; she showed me how bad I was at my posses at the photo shot, that’s why I love her because she tells me the truth.
My pictures were bad as a result of my stiff posses, our special birthday girl spilled her drink on her special lunch dress which made her brown and as guys would describe “sexy” and my boss would have to spend on her (Sandra I mean) to get her healed.
Other members of the crew had one thing or the other that saddened their hearts. I was really sad, you know when one member of your family is sad, it passes to everyone. Only few had fun, I just had a ‘ruined’ fun. Guess that part of fun.
I’m not used to writing this type of story, but I have to write to get rid of this pain in my mind. I’m  also writing it for Sandra’s sake. I need to do something for her, even though my boss doesn’t introduce her to people; I have to make her known. I owe her. Her name needs to be heard as we celebrate this one year of online publication, I don’t care if my boss’ fiancée gets angry, but Sandra thank you, and please get well because we need you.
 Otown Gist crew needs you, my boss needs you and I need you too. You are the best.
Please, if you are reading this story, don’t take it personal with me; for Sandra is my boss’ laptop. Don’t get it twisted.

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