They said happiness can bring about so many things which was the true definition of  the case of top producer Somik at the 5th edition of Deejay Saquo’s Star Nite which was held on June 28, 2013 at Valencia Lounge of Owerri.


Somik who ran upstage to cheer Floxy who was performing ‘Competition’ [a song he produced], became her third dancer, jumping and shaking with every energy he could find in his body.
I would bet that the producer, who tweeted foul for not being listed on E-Sure Celebrity Awards, cannot dance but he proved everyone wrong with the excellent moves he put up on stage, and moving closer to ‘rock’ Floxy occasionally.
The highlight of his journey to the stage came when his name was mentioned on the song and he jumped in joy, not knowing he would be crash-landing.
Somik fell flat on the tiled floor, but recovered immediately to act as if it was part of the performance.
Thank God he was not injured, because the song could have changed from ‘competition’ to ‘Blood on the dance floor’
Kudos to Floxy for that wonderful performance;  to Somik for the sweet side attraction.

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Somik trying to stand after falling


Somik shaking it with Floxy and her dancer

Somik getting closer to Floxy