Princess Chinasa is aspiring to make it to the top of the Nigeria music industry in no distant time as a singer who has already made a video debut  with her first single ‘Dance forme’.


The Rivers State born singer who chose Princessa as stage name in this interview with Chinedu Hardy Nwadike of, disclosed everything that made her who she is so far in the music industry, also sharing the deepest moments she had kept secret as well as her love life before, presently and in future.
Your Childhood
I grew up in a family every child would wish to be raised in. It is a Christian home as well as God fearing and I got every training loving and caring parents would give their child.
I’m from a family of six, with five girls and one boy.
Ever been jealous of the only boy?
Yes, that is natural especially when we feel that all love and care are being centered on him.
At times we quarreled over that, after which we would easily make up because it is something we cannot change. Every family with five girls and one boy will always treasure the boy which is acceptable because we are Africans as well as Nigerians.
Journey into music
I’ve always loved doing music as a kid; I grew up loving and doing it. The earliest challenges I encountered were my parents who never approved of my doing music because of the way artistes are seen around the country especially the female folks in the industry.
Despite their disapprovals, I never gave up on music; I was doing it ‘on code’ (secretly), until I packed fully to school.
I brought out my old CDs and started what I have always loved. That’s the journey so far.
 You disobeyed your parents?
Somehow yes. But it is not like I am disobeying them, I’m just a girl pursuing her dreams.
My mum somehow stood by me, showing concern on the entire issue, but my dad never gave his consent because then I was studying Law in Rivers State.
Because of music, I dropped out of school to rewrite JAMB and that gave rise to my coming to Imo State University to study Mass Communication.
Technically I never disobeyed my parents; I was only following my heart to do something I loved so much.
What pushed you into studying Law?
Law was my dream course while I was in secondary school and I worked towards it to get to the level at which I withdrew from.
I was good at the course but music was distracting me so I had to walk away from it.
Law is a time demanding course and it is not easy to combine it with something else especially music which also needs your whole heart.
I couldn’t mix the studio life with reading those books that were always looking at me.
Comparing life with Law and Mass Communication?
Somehow I regret the decision to quit Law because my dad was there for me all along. He already had a piece of land mapped out for my chambers when I’m done with school and all those things will never be again.
For Mass Communication, I will have to work towards having my own media outfit, else I’d be working under someone else.
It is not like a total regret because I am also doing fine as a student of Mass Communication.
You and your dad now?
Initially it wasn’t easy for me, he was upset because he had plans for me as a lawyer, at a point he said he would never give me a dime until I go back to Port Harcourt to study Law. My mum was the one supporting me at that time but that was then.
He has accepted what I’m doing and everyone is happy now.
Mass Communication and music?
Music unlike Mass Communication is about passing massage to the public, be it good, bad or ugly.
One gives me a clue on how to be good at the other; I’m okay combining both at the moment and I love how everything is going.
Princessa as an artiste?
I am an unsigned singer, I have a long list of songs and currently I am promoting my debut single, ‘Dance for me’ which also has its video doing fine on TV stations around the country.
Apart from TV stations, the Video is also online and on video mixes around the nation.
I’m only working towards the promotion of ‘Dance for me’ and any plans for an album should be coming up probably by next year.
But I’m looking forward to releasing a new single any time from next month but before then, I’ll have to release ‘Dance for me’ again especially online, where it didn’t go too far because of the way it was done before.
Next thing from you
It has to be a party song, one with a message as well. It has to be a song that will make people happy when they listen to it and I’m just optimistic it’s something people out there will love.
Who would you love to work with?
Darey is classy artiste and I’d love to do a song with him. Asha and Shasha are still ladies I admire in the country and I know that someday I’ll work with them as well as Davido.
Beyond the borders of this country, I adore Alicia Keys and Celine Dion; if I find an opportunity to work with them, I’ll surely jump to it.
If a label comes tomorrow?
I’ll surely look at what they have, if it is cool for me, I’ll work with them but for now I’ll be doing everything I can to push myself to the top of the industry.
You and fame
It is something I’m still learning to live with because I become shy to the extent that I get ashamed of myself for no reason when people start pointing at me along the streets.
My legs where once shaking in a banking hall when a teller officer identified me as an artiste, I just wanted the ground to open so that I could fall into it.
When people stare and point at me, I feel so uncomfortable, but I know I’ll surely get over it soon.
Are your friends jealous?
Yes, some of them. They try to make issues out of nothing. When I try to make a point clearer, they say “abeg hold am there, na because people don dey know you”, sometimes they delete me from their blackberry contacts, but some appreciate what I am doing and I am very close to those ones.
Whenever I need to talk to someone, they are always the first on my list.
Your love life
I’m not in any relationship presently and I am cool with it.
Any issue with guys?
Yes, jealousy is always the issue. There was once a guy coming around me, after watching people come to me for my number and pin after a performance in an event, he was forced to tell me to stop what I am doing.
When he realized I could not stop music because of him, he walked away.
What attracts men to you?
Men are usually attracted to me because I have what it takes to attract them any day. I am endowed front and back which are things that attracts majority of men to women.
Sometimes my dimple attracts them and I hear a lot of them saying ‘I love your dimple’.
I wasn’t okay with it initially but now I’ve realized there is nothing I can do stop them so I just tell myself, ‘Why won’t they come’.
Ever taken advantage of your backside?
For sure! One of them was a day we were standing on a cue outside at a bank and it was already past 4pm. The security men were asking people to leave and come back the next day and I was standing at the back being in dare need of money that evening.
I stepped forward, flaunting my backside to the security men and the next thing I heard was “baby what’s up na?”, I told him just let me in and I’ll see you later when I’m out and that was just the simple magic that let me into the bank.
How do you see lesbianism?
It is not good for a woman to do anything with a fellow woman; it ought to be the other way round with a man and a woman, just like God wants it to be.
I can never support it nor be a part of it.
Ever been approached by a woman
For sure, my shape attracts the ladies as well. A female has once asked me out, disturbing me even more than man would do.
I remember seeing her cry when she realized that I would never consider her offers.
I was like wow! A girl crying for me? I was so surprise to see that because it was the first time I was seeing that happen in my whole life.
Princessa in ten years time
My prayers will be that I have made it by that time. I hope to be the owner of a media outfit and a record label. I want to see me helping people find their dreams, helping the destitute get their life back in any way I can as well as building my own family.
Meaning you’d be married then
What’s your ideal man like
 He has to be God fearing, good looking and understanding to know what it takes to make me happy and satisfied as a woman.
Do you have these qualities as well?
Yes, I am God fearing and understanding which means I know what I want.
Can you marry a fellow artiste if he meets the standard?
I’m sorry I have nothing to say on that.
Your best moment
When I received my first award as the best artiste in Imo State University, an award presented to me by the former Student Union Government (SUG) President, Rex.
It was a huge encouragement for me and I thank God for that.
Worst moment
When I slept in the security room of a lounge after performing there because I could not go home that night and I didn’t have money to lodge in a nearby hotel.
Another day was when a friend publicly denied me, making me look like a fool there.
Moments like that are days I don’t want to see in my life again.
How much would you charge to pose nude for a magazine?
No amount would be okay for that which means I can never pose nude for any amount.
It is wrong and only desperate girls do that of which I am not one of them.

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