The artistes conglomerate charity project tagged Bright Light Project powered by Houston, Texas based record label owner, Franco Bonghan has finally been endorsed by the Mayor of Houston, Annise Packer.
Mr Bonghan, CEO Franco Records said the aim of the project is to address all threats of civilization on mankind which are silently eating up the global population.
“Everywhere in the world people are starving. Hunger and poverty remain the most important threats to human civilization. Technology is growing at a very fast pace yet, these advances in technology only help to make the world more dangerous than safe. There is a dire need for solidarity among nations, among tribes, among regions, and within races to provide a moral foundation for understanding and cooperation. Cultural relativity has never been more important than now as we face great challenges of civil wars”
The project which features artistes from different countries especially Africa will aim at campaigning for peace among the countries of the world through music.
The duo of Franco Bonghan and Prince Emmanuel Unegbu, a co manager at Franco Record broke the news of mayoral endorsement for Bright Light Project after a meeting with Mayor Annise Packer at the City Hall in Houston, Texas.
Mayor Packer hailed the initiators of the project [Bonghan and Unegbu] for their courage to pursue global peace and expressed her exciting in having the project taking place in the city of Houston,.
She however stated that she was endorsing the project to ensure that violence around the world is reduced and same energy is used in sharing love to make the world a better place.
Prince Unegbu who is also the CEO of Prince Noel Production Inc, said the project is a timely one when human race is faced with different kinds of threat every day.
He added that people now fear Boko Haram, dictators, nuclear weapon and others in that line more than the likes of malaria, AIDS, cancer and other deceases which are even killing more than an AK47.
Artistes on the project are Marquis trill (USA), Ben Decca (Cameroon), DJ Skeeper (Cameroon), Slim Knight (Caribbean Island), Abizzy (Sierra Leone), Max (Ivory Coast), Katumbela (Angola), Roland Ross ( Liberia), Rhettie (Dominican Republic) and Rahim(Sierra Leone)
Others are Mr. V Sax (Nigeria), Zaena (Congo), Supaval (Cameroon), Drew Carlson (American), Ngenga (Kenya), IB the Artist (Nigeria), Chester (USA) Ugonna, Nnena Anosike , Victor V Sax amongst others.
DJ skeeper and Marquis Trill believe that the quality of artistes on the project will go a long way towards achieving the visions of the project, which is simply achieving global peace with lyrics.

Franco Bonghan, Mayor Annise Packer, Prince Emmanuel Unegbu after the meeting at City Hall in Houston, Texas