Singer Flex D, has finally revealed why he posted a picture he took with Floxy on Facebook.
The picture which was captioned ‘with my love Floxy’ created lots of buzz was later deleted by the singer after some days and now he has said again the he can post any picture he has because the account belongs to him.
Although Floxy denied being in any form of relationship with Flex D, he has achieved his aim which is climbing up the lather of fame with someone who is above him.
In a recent post on his Facebook timeline, he wrote ” I post pictures I have on my device and write what I like, I don’t think it’s any body’s business becoz this is my account. mean while gud people, as the buzz is buzzing around, my single come and role will be dropping on Dec, 6, 2013, don’t miss d grt dancehall”
In a chat with the singer, he said “I didn’t mean any harm to anyone, I’m just a young man doing what I have to, to be where I have to be.
How can you speak for people to listen? How can you make this very busy generation look your way?
I know it might seem wrong to some people, but I don’t I think there would have been a better option for me. Anybody can be anybody’s sweetheart; it’s just a matter of time”
He also revealed that the single ‘Come and role’ would be marking his official debut into the music industry and was produced by Somik who also produced the last two tracks Floxy has released.