Dear Bro. Fuston
I am a married woman, and there is a problem bothering me.
Please, I want to know if it is wrong for the wife to demand sex from her husband. I am asking because each time I make such demand, my husband thinks I am promiscuous.
Please, I need your sincere advice on what to do. Should I continue to demand this from him? Or do I keep quiet and die with my urge?
Tell me what to do, and may God bless you and your handiwork.
Goodtidings from Owerri.
Dear Goodtidings,
The truth is that you did no wrong to request sex from your husband. The amazing thing is that many men in our clime believe it is their prerogative to initiate sex and any move by the woman to start this is met with utter ridicule and tongue-lashing.
Male chauvinism, that is, the belief that it is a man’s world, maybe responsible for the refusal of such demand.
I plead with you not to fly off the handle, your man needs time to know that women are created with sexual urge like men, and should not be used as sex machines or toys.
So you have a work to do, that is, to convince him that you are not a log of wood, make him understand that you are not making an outlandish request because in 1 Corinthians 7:4, the Bible states “The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does. It is a mutual affair which can be initiated by either partner.
Quietly ask your man what he stands to lose if he agrees to enjoy the conjugal right initiated by you, his wife.
Both of you by virtue of coming together as man and wife, are now one body and it is not in the hands of any of you to determine or detect what happens on your marital bed.
Don’t let this cause friction in your home, manage it maturely, constantly and respectfully make him know that you have equal stake on that marital bed.
Remember, this is not an excuse for a married woman to leave her home to be joined sexually to another who may allow her make sexual advances.
Communication in marriage is important, so, don’t leave it out.
Thank you and God bless.