Reports reaching us have it that the present Student Union Government [SUG], President of Imo State University Owerri [IMSU], Mr Ogbu Christian has been impeached on grounds of embezzlement of public funds.
According to an insider in the administration, the president was not impeached via due process because an 8-man committee which was supposed to investigate the allegation never did their job and the President, Ogbu Christian was in Togo at the time the impeachment was carried out.


Speaking to, Ogbu Christian said that the impeachment shows how deep corruption has cut into the society to the level of university politics.
Many others have expressed their displeasure on the impeachment process with one of them saying he would do anything possible to reclaim his mandate if he were to be Mr Ogbo.
The impeachment was said to have been masterminded by the Speaker, Hon Ezeji Odinaka, who did not respond to our call and sms and Ogbu Christian believes he will regain his mandate because the whole impeachment process was unconstitional.
Meanwhile, reports have it that the Vice President is now acting as the president and the impeached president is looking up to a meeting the university Vice Chancellor which some believe can overturn the impeachment or at least set the ball rolling for his return to office.

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