The beautiful ones are not yet born was a bestselling novel written by one of African’s foremost writers, Ayi Kwei Amah. The book portrayed the ugly nature of men as a result of their greed and unscrupulous desire for wealth, power and affluence.
The book sold so much and due to the trueness of what was and is pathetically still obtainable in our society, the title of the book ‘The beautiful ones are not yet born’ became more than an adage but a strong belief.


There is a level of truth in this saying considering the level of decadence continually displayed by men in our society today. One begins to wonder when the beautiful ones will be born.
The heart of man is ‘desperately’ wicked and ugly.
People just want to get rich quick no matter what it takes. The rich ones desire nothing but luxury and power. This is when you get to see what the heart of man can muster. It is simply unimaginable and cannot be over emphasized.
How wicked the heart of man can be, throwing away values, fruits and godly attitudes.
Right from the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, man’s true nature which was the beautiful nature of God was lost and the ugly nature of the enemy embraced. It became difficult for man to be naturally beautiful. All these changed when Christ came, he re-united us one with Him and giving us his nature once again.
Believe me when I say you are beautiful. It is a choice to do good when it is all hard, it means saying yes and meaning yes. It also means standing for what is right notwithstanding the price and being selfless when nobody cares.
It has to do with doing good in a world full of evil. Saying the truth when your mentor or role model just lied; being kind to someone, saving, making life for someone and letting your light shine, that is ‘Beauty’.
You are beautiful because the spirit of God dwells in you. You are beautiful because you can do good. You are beautiful because you can bring joy to the soul and add meaning to someone’s life.
It is all about choice, everything around man’s clumsy nature, people’s ungratefulness attitude at times makes it difficult to be good.
Notwithstanding these odds, you can choose to be good, nice, kind, loving, cheerful, meek just mention it.
Remember the word says “Do not relent in doing good” do not get tired and finally, let your light so shine that men will see and glorify your father in Heaven.
So, the next time someone says,” The beautiful ones are not yet born” tell him/her that one is sitting right next to them. ‘You’.

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Adanna Obi, is O’town Gist Entertainment correspondent and she writes from Owerri.