Lately, I have developed a phobia for writing and performance; the more I delve deeply into the world of art, the more I realized there is more to what I am destined to be. So if you know the name Hillary, and yet not satisfied with this piece, do not hold it against me, because I am just getting on my feet; and it is virtually not about me, but the dream of one man who helped change my personality.
I remember it virtually because it’s important to me not to forget. It began with One-H-World [].


Some years ago, before the birth of O’town Gist [], there used to be an offline mini website called ‘One-H-World’, developed by my brother from another mother, Chinedu Hardy Nwadike. Now everybody and people of Imo State have come to know the name ‘O’town Gist’, but only few or little less than few knew the days of its beginning.
I am talking about ‘One-H-World’ because it seems to have been forgotten just like Baby Sandra – but not by me. Everything is important because I have come to understand that little things and deeds we do, someday will forge our stories when we are gone; that is where history will remember us, and posterity will sing our names as one of the greats.
Without deviating from the discourse, let me quickly at this juncture enumerate the minute detail of the humble beginning. Quite frankly, I remember without prejudice, to be the first to sign up to ‘One-H-World’ when it was still offline, but when it was launched and it came online, I was told I will reregister. I was totally disappointed. Don’t blame me, then, computer and internet literacy were at the barest minimum. The big names like Google, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon were only known by few and those who browsed at Timassy or with old Sendo X phones. We were all just getting to hear the word ‘Yahoo’, I remember it all.
‘One-H-World’ was a dream and it accompanied the ‘Chronicles of Age’. I know now, you must be wondering what the ‘H’ stands for, or you may have concluded the ‘H’ stands for ‘Hardy’. On the contrary, the ‘H’ was tenacity, it was passion, it was faith and the transformation of reality.
Hardy then, whom I rarely see was a fresh graduate of Industrial Chemistry. I would go always to him to study mathematics – He was fiercely good at it. Little did I know I would be part of a greater good in the future, but I was never understood or had the ‘H’ word in mind. I never saw the future, I just followed, waiting, waiting and waiting…
Now, one word changes the fate of everything, ‘TIME’, then I was so oblivious of this too. I saw the manuscript of ‘Chronicles of Age’, I never knew time would work on it. However, I believed because somehow inside me, I believed not in the book, but in the H-Word.
‘One-H-World’ mostly concentrated on Hardy’s poetic exploits, religious reports and some other relevant files not local entertainment news and songs. ‘One-H-World’ continued that way, side by side with ‘Chronicles of Age’ until two years ago.
I have a dream. I achieved my dreams because I have ‘hope’ that tomorrow would be better. The ‘H’ was ‘Hope’. It kept the dream alive.
It increased my passion for reporting and writing. H was not for Hardy but of God and from God. I believed. You see, it started with a name many would not want to remember. O’town Gist seemed to have swallowed the ‘One-H-World’; but I remember, I never forget.
Recently, when I think about why Hardy had to let ‘One-H-World’ go, or transform it. The only thing that comes to my mind is a saying posted on his Facebook timeline on 06-06-2014, that “Sometimes quitting does not mean weakness. It means strength to move on to a better life…”
The question is, did Hardy quit?

HAVE YOU READ?:  He used and dumped me

To be continued


 Hillary Uzomba, member, #TeamOtownGist.
