Augustine Gideon a.k.a Stranger can be described as a unique and talented music minister/producer with heavens touch . The last born of a family of seven, Stranger found his God given purpose at a very tender age, and knew that he would eventually turn out someday to become a tool in God’s hand.


Born in the vestry of The Apostolic Church, Rumoumasi, Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Stranger noticed a strong passion for sounds and music in general as he grew.
This passion drove him to learn most of the musical instruments all by himself, since getting a tutor was quite expensive at that time. He was able to grasp vast knowledge in playing of the drums, the saxophone, the keyboard, the bass guitar all by himself. This knowledge comes in handy as he stand to be one of the uprising producers in port Harcourt with a unique touch. A graduate of Marine Engineering from the prestigious Maritime Academy Of Nigeria, Oron, Akwa Ibom State, he was known in his school days as the “Officer who sings” because of his strong and relentless passion for his music ministry.
Stranger received a call on February 11,2009 ,when God told him to leave his Job to go fully into the music ministry. He has served in various capacities as a Lead soloist, a multi-instrumentalist, a Praise team Leader, Youth Choir Leader in the Redeemed Christian Church of God House Of Grace Parish, Port Harcourt, Nigeria for over 10years. He has ministered at events along side great gospel artiste like Eben, Jahdiel, Frank Edwards, Praise machine, Preye Odede and many others.
The name Stranger came through a vision after his second year in the university and has its roots in Heb 11:13. Stranger has been a blessing to so many people and is still waxing strong, with his debut album in 2009 “God’s Love” which was a great blessing and his second album in 2013 ” Throne of grace” which brought about lots of testimonies. Stranger can be described as a worshipper at heart but is not particular about genres since he only receives his songs either through dreams or direct inspiration in a seasoned worship atmosphere. His music ministry is centered towards touching the lives of millions of people by unveiling the heart of God towards them. He is currently a member of The Carpenters Church ,and the CEO/Producer of Strange Recordz.

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