I am bouncing back after missing out last week, but it will be very unfair to start with pride, so I am very sorry for that and I appreciate those who called in to know why it had to be so. It was just due to a situation I could not change, but we are here now, so thanks for being here and thank God for everything.


This week I want to be a little sensational, drawing a little from my childhood experience and that of others I have come to grow up with and I just hope it still takes us to get to that ‘sky-top’ where we have been all along.

Are you one of those people who grew up watching your friends and siblings get all the girls and even when they do so with your ideas, none ever gets to you? They are smart with your advices yet you are seen as the dullard amongst them from a distance.

Are you one of those that ever prayed that someday, girls will come to love you just like they do to your friends? Did you ever pray to find a girl who would be splashing her father’s money or her personal earnings on you? You wonder why your friends whom you consider not too good enough in relationships get all the so called good girls and all you get are those who want to drain your purse.

The truth is simply this, when your friends get a girl with your advice, they usually get your kind of girl and if you are a close friend, she usually likes you because one thing you don’t know is that she actually did not fall for your friend, she fell for your words. So, there is no way you will be getting the girls when you have sold your words to your friends who mostly fix you up with the ones that are not your choice.


Your friends are ‘empty’ and brave, but you are smart and dumb which is more pathetic. So instead of making the moves, you wait for a movie princess to come your way. You sulk and sulk hoping it would change your situation, but calm down, your prayers will soon be answered.

Five years later, you have made some accomplishments and the girls are now coming. Your wish finally comes true and you want to have all of them, thinking you are making up for the lost times. You are actually dying, wasting your time on things that will never end. It is Just like draining Atlantic Ocean with a bucket. Sweet sixteens will never finish. Every year, fresh ones will emerge, so move on with your life.

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I am not trying to be a sexist here, or look down on ladies but facts and figures have it that there are more women in the world and other worlds like social media have doubled or even tripled that figure. By appearing smart on the social media and having more of female followers, there is a tendency that the bulk of them will be falling for you and what do you do with that? Take everything that falls in your trap or pass?

It is always difficult to pass because it is a dream come true. Some people get it when they are married. The moment they have struggled to get the only girl available, every girl starts coming after them as if they just started seeing how amazing he could be. What should the man do? Cheat on his wife and enjoy the new world or just pass in the name of faithfulness?

This is a difficult situation for everyman, single or married. It is easier for a woman to tell a man no when he needs her, but very difficult for a man to say no to a woman when she needs him. This is just our weakness and one of the reasons the Bible said we should flee from such situation.


I think parents should get close to their sons and know what they are going through. The fathers especially should make sure their sons do not make that evil wish, because he might get them. This has ruined people because when you can sleep with many women with ease, you tend to lose value for them.

Not your wife, girlfriend will mean so much to you because you can always replace her with someone ‘better’ any time any day.

Dear young man, where ever you find yourself, no matter how depressed the situation is making you, never wish to be loved by all the girls. If you don’t have the wisdom of Solomon, don’t play his game.

Stay cool, live, love, forgive and never give up, for it is the man we are.

Contact Chinedu Hardy Nwadike, chikisnow@yahoo.com | 08038704454 | Facebook/Twitter/Instagram: HardyNwa | BBM: 56226EE1