Cameroon for Ebola Orphans starts a humanitarian campaign effort on a four Nation tour to help more than 20,000 kids orphaned by the deadly Ebola virus. Ebola is gone, but the scars are even bigger than the virus… From Cameroon to Sierra Leone to Liberia to Guinea….in partnership with Save the Children (,  Africare (, Dunia Magazine (, and selected Common Initiative Groups (CIG’s) working on the ground  in affected countries for the plight of the orphans.


The model of this campaign is a two phase deliverable: Part 1 is recording of a theme song and video by home based artistes, and part 2 is organizing a big musical concert in major cities to raise awareness and funds to support the daily realities of the orphans. Proceeds from the song, video, and concerts will go to benefit some international and local NGO’s working directly with the orphans.

HAVE YOU READ?:  the mf Htown Hottie is graduating dec 11th from TEXAS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY now go and talk abt that ! - Megan Thee Stallion

Thanks for your sacrifices in making this a reality, your contributions are a blessing to the orphans.
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