The practice of white wedding or Christian marriage and the celebration of the feast of Easter by Christians have been condemned and described as purely religious practices without any biblical support.

Speaking at a recent wedding ceremony, an Elder and Chairman of House of Prayer International Church, Okporo Orlu, Engr. Steve Kanu condemned the most recent practice of spouses going to the Alter of the church to receive blessings of the priests before going to the parents of the bride to seek for the hands of the bride which should be the first and only marriage that is valid before God.


Engr. Kanu observed that from the time of creation and in the book of Genesis that man was enjoined to leave his parents to join his wife stating that “marriage is purely a union or agreement between the spouses and their parents” during which the only persons authorized to bless that marriage is the parents of the bride.

He cited that the wedding feast which Christ attended in Canaan of Galilee was a traditional wedding where the people drank their local vine wine similar to our own local palm wine and that there was no Priest or Pastor there to officiate.

He stated that from the injunction in Exodus 20.10, it is only the parents of the bride and groom who have the power to bless or curse their children and called on Christians to abandon these unfounded religious practices and go back to biblical godly injunctions of God.

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On the celebration of the feast of Easter to make the resurrection of Jesus Christ as symbolic of the feast of Passover, Engr. Steve said that there is no relation between Easter and Passover, adding that the Passover which stems from the ritual instituted by God himself among the Jews while in exile in Egypt, there is no record of the feast of Easter except in some translations of Nigerian bibles.

He claimed that the Easter festivity is a religious creation of the Catholic Church while the biblical feast of Passover is an order of God to the liberated Jews which they were enjoined to repeat at the first month of the year which this year falls on April 9, with specific instructions on how the ritual must be celebrated.

He went on to claim that Christ’s death was on the eve of High Sabbath and not the eve of the ordinary Sabbath which is a day for rest by the people of God who choose that day together to pray and not for manual labour on God instructions adding that Sabbath is not religion.
He enjoined Christians to go back to the scriptures, obey God’s laws and avoid deceptive religious practices.    

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