Often as a way of gaining attention, entertainers pull strings every now and then to get their names on the people’s lips. Rapper Don Spark is nothing far from it as he shared series of pictures of himself carrying the Bible.

Although it is a great thing to have him posing with the bible, but the composure and what he has done with the picture which has so far gained 36 likes is what is astonishing.


Because he refused to smile on that picture, a close source revealed that the rapper has been busy deleting comments on the picture. Further investigation revealed that the only thing people did was just to criticize the picture which has not gained a single positive comment, while the rapper has taken to private chats, to warn such persons not to comment on his posts again.

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One of the deleted comments asked if he was forced to church, while another asked if anyone would accept the rapper as a preacher. Meanwhile this is not our problem, after all, Jesus Christ died for sinners.