Recently, there has never been a day I’ll scroll through my newsfeed on social media without seeing two or more people (youths precisely) seeking financial aids from celebrities. Numerous times, I guffaw and shudder at the way youths go to celebrities page begging from wall to wall.
Noticeably, most of these accounts are undoubtedly fake judging from the date those accounts were created and the way they drop the same annoying comments on almost every celebrities page. I’ve watched with disappointment countless times as the supposed ‘leader of tomorrow’ turns themselves into street beggars.

What happened to our mindset?
What happened to creativity?
What happened to talents?
What happened to diligence and hardwork?
Where is our pride and dignity?
Why so much laziness among the youths of today?

Do you know that you can actually be working while schooling? This can help you to sponsor yourself through school without having to depend solely on your poor parents or guardian. Do you know that you must not go to school to become successful? There are lots of successful people out there who are super rich and successful yet they didn’t see the four walls of a Classroom.
Do you know that most rich people who are doing well today and are bosses of their own were never opportune to go to school because of circumstances beyond their control, yet they’re successful today. The owner of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg is a clear example that you must not go to school to achieve your dreams or aims in life.


Stop looking for an easy way out, there’s no easy road to success. Success can’t be achieved by just sitting at a place while waiting for manna to fall from heaven, jumping from one Ponzi scheme to another, getting involved in any crooked business that you feel will give you lots of money on a first trial. Stop being lazy! Set your eyes on a goal, it’s never a crime to be ambitious, be a go-getter, think big and aim higher, work hard and smart, set your priorities right, work hard and be your own boss.

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In my journey so far in life, there’s something I just learnt recently from a mentor. The 15 tactics to employ in order to achieve your life goals. They’re as follows:

1. Become an intentional learner
2. Develop self-awareness
3. Believe in yourself
4. Set aside time to reflect
5. Embrace discipline daily
6. Seek out a positive environment
7. Become Highly strategic
8. Turn negatives into positives
9. Grow from the inside out
10. Get used to stretching yourself
11. Make smart trade-offs
12. Learn to ask more questions
13. Find a good mentor
14. Focus on enlarging your potential
15. Help others reach their potential

With all of the above stated facts, you can agree with me that you can work on yourself, change your mindset and just in a jiffy, you’ll see yourself doing this and even more. You’ll see the warrior in you surface and that lazy lackadaisical attitude gone. All you need do is take the first and bold step. It’ll not be easy, never been easy, sometimes you’ll feel like throwing in the towel and giving up but once you reache your breaking point; NEVER give up; Let the fighting spirit in you surface.


You can actually do more than you envisaged. You’re made for greatness. Gradually, step by step, you’ll achieve your dreams and be just like the people you idolize and even more.

You can achieve greatness. Everyone is made for greatness, it’s not made for a certain group of people. Just discover your potentials, your talent and use them to your advantage. Be creative! Be disciplined! Be determined! Be diligent and most of all be genuinely happy for others while thriving and aiming for your goals.

Let’s represent what we stand for! We’re the leaders of tomorrow! We are the Youths! We are strong! We are indefatigable! We are unbreakable! We NEVER give up! We are made for greatness!

Clara Chinasa Madukwe is blogger and she writes from Douala Cameroun. For comments e-mail