There are three kinds of people in the world. Those who travel because they have so much money and so much time that they can go on longer vacations than school children, those who travel despite the fact that they have less paying jobs so much that you wonder how they do it, and people who never travel even though they have the dream but have no money. The last category of people may be held back by many factors, the most popular and leading factor: fear of debts. This article is a comprehensive guide to help you on How to save money for Travel.

I used to have this mentality before I found out that I can get Cheap Flights and reach my goal of travelling and getting sweet vacations.

So what will you do to get on your dream trip even with your small job? Simply save. Let’s see what you can do to save money for your next vacation. A lot of blogger will rant and tell you what to do. Nah, here, I will tell you what I did not do that got me around the world.


So here are what I stopped doing in order to get myself and my finances together for travelling. Ready?

  • Eating Out. It was when I stopped eating out that I got to save enough money for my first travel. I then realized I much I gave to ordinary Mama Kas, Chicken Republic and the lot of them. They stole into my monthly paycheck. Most of my workmates said I was stingy when they saw me packing cooler to work, but they are all still at their jobs, you see? Although I am still working with them, I am more exposed and respected than they all are.
  • Using My Car Often. I sat down the other day after watching one of my favorite speakers speak about spending habits and checked how much money flies away from my account each day I use my car. I was hit by a great revelation! I buy fuel for both my car and my generator! Imagine how much that is for every day I went to work and church. Now, I am free. I use the BRT and spend considerably ^&% lower. Not to even talk of times when I must have to pay the mechanic to check my car. You know what I’m talking about…
  • Spending All My Money. I used to have my ATM card around me and I just buy things and pay with the POS teller machine. Luxury eh? That was what I thought. But then, I would never get the 90k I needed for my first trip if I had continued that way. So every morning, I made a list of things I would use, and I withdraw the exact amount with no extra. Thus, I always have a limit to what I am spending.
  • Buying Online Auction. Many websites are out to steal my hard earned cash. I only buy sales items. And when I buy, I buy in bulk. I am not wasting any kobo. I get the discount whenever I can.
  • Drinking, and Clubbing. If you smoke, drink or go to the club often, you would never know how much you lose. You see, when I stopped all these things, I made a lot of money. Although I don’t smoke, I like to drink with friends. When I stopped, they ridiculed me. But look who’s laughing now. Whenever I feel the urge to drink, I go to a store and get one bottle, go straight to my house and have a good time. I am saving money for my trip to the sweet cities of Europe.
  • Buying Without Researching. I used to just look at things from the surface and pay. But when I started to look at things critically, compare fixed prices, negotiate with suppliers, and pay less, I saved more money. Are you asking how I do it? Simple. For instance, if you’re planning a trip to Dubai, this will help you find Cheap Flights to Dubai. Also you should check this to check out Flight Routes.
  • Booking Tickets Exactly When Due. I found out that prices of tickets like very goods and services, increases with time and with respect to season. So if I am planning to travel, I buy a ticket in advance. Like 4 to 6 months before the due date. You’ll be surprised at how highly your friends will pay for the same ticket if they pay at the exact time.

I hope this list of what I did not do in order to make my trip possible helps you to make yours. Go out here and make your dream come true.