Nollywood actress and wife to banky w has taken to her Instagram page to talk about her pregnancy journey and to celebrate her son’s one year birthday , she talked about suffering a postpartum hemorrhage and surviving it

A year ago, God gave me the best gift ever. He placed the most precious jewel in my care.
A year ago, God saved my life after suffering a postpartum haemorrhage and I’m still here only because he had his way.
It’s been a year filled with lots of love, joy, peace and laughter.
Hazaiah, the one who yahweh sees
My joyful baby
My funny baby
My pacesetter
After Jesus, You are the light of our lives
I am so grateful to God for you
Nations will rise and call you blessed
Nations will come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising
You will forever be the Head and not the tail
The Lord shield you, announce you, defend you and favour you
Anyone who blesses you is blessed
Anyone who curses you is cursed
I declare that you are a city set upon a hill, you glory will never be hidden
You are salt of the earth, you will never lose your flavour
You will always be a source of Joy in Jesus name. Amen
I love you more than I can possibly put into words.
My Sunshine. My baby. My darling.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAZA. You mean the world to us.

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