Nollywood veteran actor, Jim Iyke has claimed that his fight with his colleague Uche Maduagwu was staged. reports that Jim Iyke revealed this in an interview with Chude Jidenowo.

Recall that Maduagwu claimed that Jim was being investigated by the EFCC for his source of wealth. Jim had tracked Maduagwu to a hotel where he beat of the movie producer.


Some Nigerians at that time felt it might be a publicity stunt, because Jim had released a movie called ‘Bad Comment.’

HAVE YOU READ?:  Uche Maduagwu to Jim Iyke: how did you get N100million for your movie?

In recent development, Iyke confirmed that it was indeed a publicity stunt and Maduagwu was handsomely rewarded for his participation.