A young girl identified simply as Jessica, who was accused of theft in Warri, Delta State, is she allegedly battling drug addiction. 

It would be recalled that the girl was caught and beaten by residents after she allegedly stole a generator on Sunday night, July 3, 2022. https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?gdpr=0&us_privacy=1—&client=ca-pub-2427099653703778&output=html&h=280&adk=2734590572&adf=667904977&pi=t.aa~a.1834861711~i.11~rp.4&w=778&fwrn=4&fwrnh=100&lmt=1657551590&num_ads=1&rafmt=1&armr=3&sem=mc&pwprc=4779063894&psa=1&ad_type=text_image&format=778×280&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lindaikejisblog.com%2F2022%2F7%2Fupdate-young-girl-accused-of-stealing-generator-in-delta-allegedly-addicted-to-drugs-2.html&fwr=0&pra=3&rh=195&rw=777&rpe=1&resp_fmts=3&wgl=1&fa=27&uach=WyJXaW5kb3dzIiwiMS4wLjAiLCJ4ODYiLCIiLCIxMDMuMC41MDYwLjExNCIsW10sbnVsbCxudWxsLCI2NCIsW1siLk5vdC9BKUJyYW5kIiwiOTkuMC4wLjAiXSxbIkdvb2dsZSBDaHJvbWUiLCIxMDMuMC41MDYwLjExNCJdLFsiQ2hyb21pdW0iLCIxMDMuMC41MDYwLjExNCJdXSxmYWxzZV0.&dt=1657551588252&bpp=17&bdt=1340&idt=18&shv=r20220630&mjsv=m202206300101&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3Dd668d5b2e34cc639-22d70b636bca00a2%3AT%3D1630684077%3ART%3D1630684077%3AS%3DALNI_MaiWYxikPTi-TDZO005tHk2N1toZQ&gpic=UID%3D000003896a967808%3AT%3D1649173165%3ART%3D1657538603%3AS%3DALNI_MZY1oTPlpT3uowEZ1wX0IrHna_Huw&prev_fmts=0x0%2C1349x600&nras=3&correlator=2488518172820&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=986664916.1630684032&ga_sid=1657551587&ga_hid=699105502&ga_fc=1&u_tz=60&u_his=1&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=728&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_sd=1&dmc=4&adx=121&ady=1476&biw=1349&bih=600&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=44759875%2C44759926%2C44759837%2C31067983%2C42531605&oid=2&pvsid=1332056157947754&tmod=562388305&uas=0&nvt=1&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lindaikejisblog.com%2F&eae=0&fc=1408&brdim=0%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1366%2C0%2C0%2C0%2C1366%2C600&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7Cs%7C&abl=NS&alvm=r20220706&fu=128&bc=31&ifi=2&uci=a!2&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=mNsYWOJjWa&p=https%3A//www.lindaikejisblog.com&dtd=2176

According to an update by Warri Aproko on Monday, July 11, a man went to the police station and bailed her out. The Facebook news site also stated that the man later took the girl to a Celestial Church for deliverance but she ran away and is nowhere to be found.


Read the post written in pidgin English below…

“When we dey tell people say make them nor dey do drug them fill say we dey lie. Una remember that girl way go thief generator for Lori-gba days ago one unknown person go bail her from B Division where area lodge her put that night.

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“Information way reach us say normally she dey do well before she start the life of drug. Drugs don scatter her ways of living turn her from girl with big God to the gods most be crazy. After the guy bail from station he con carry her go one Celestial church make them do deliverance for her. She come run enter town the guy say he believe say her problem now spiritual one. The guy say he don still contact OPM foundation for PH and they ready to help the girl but now the girl don run” 

Update: Young girl accused of stealing generator in Delta allegedly addicted to drugs
Update: Young girl accused of stealing generator in Delta allegedly addicted to drugs
Update: Young girl accused of stealing generator in Delta allegedly addicted to drugs
Update: Young girl accused of stealing generator in Delta allegedly addicted to drugs
