Prominent comedians, including AY Makun, Seyi Law, and MC Lively, joined in the joyous celebration of ace comedian Atunyota Akpobome, popularly known as Ali Baba, at the dedication ceremony of his triplets.

Ali Baba initially announced the birth of his triplets on April 1, 2024, via his Instagram account, sparking some skepticism due to the timing coinciding with April Fool’s Day. However, the dedication ceremony, which took place on Sunday in Lagos, proved the announcement to be genuine as it brought together Ali Baba’s friends, family, and professional colleagues.

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The event commenced with a solemn church service held at the RCCG Christ The Lord Central Parish in Lekki, followed by a joyous reception at the event center, Jewel by Aeida, located along Hakeem Dickson Street in Lekki Phase 1, Lagos.


Among the attendees were notable personalities such as Chigul, Bunmi Davis, Ajebo Comedian, and Adebola Williams, all gathered to celebrate this special milestone in Ali Baba’s life.

See the captured moments from the occasion below.

