Kabiru Arewa, a 33-year-old man, has been remanded by an Iyaganku Magistrates’ Court on charges of allegedly murdering his 24-year-old wife, Suliyat. The harrowing incident has left the community in shock and mourning.

The court session on Friday, presided over by Magistrate Olaolu Olanipekun, saw the defendant being charged with murder. Due to the severity of the charge, Olanipekun refrained from taking Arewa’s plea, citing a lack of jurisdiction. The case file has been directed to the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) for further legal guidance, with the case set to be mentioned again on June 28.

According to Prosecutor ASP Anthony Igori, the tragic incident occurred on May 22 around 8:00 p.m. at the Olunloyo area of Ibadan. Igori detailed that Arewa allegedly struck his wife, Suliyat, on the chest with a fatal blow, leading to her untimely death. The charge brought against him falls under Section 319 of the Criminal Laws of Oyo State, 2000, which pertains to unlawful homicide.

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The absence of a provided address for Arewa has added to the case’s complexity, as authorities continue their investigation. The remand in a correctional facility underscores the gravity of the allegations and the need for a thorough judicial process.

This devastating event has sparked discussions about domestic violence and the urgent need for protective measures for vulnerable individuals in relationships. Advocacy groups have called for increased awareness and resources to prevent such tragedies in the future.

As the community grapples with the shock and grief of Suliyat’s death, her family and friends are left to seek justice and closure. The upcoming legal proceedings are awaited with bated breath, as all eyes turn to the judicial system for answers and justice.