A devastating fire at Bishop Crowther Memorial Seminary School in Awka, the capital of Anambra State, has claimed the life of one student and caused extensive damage to the school’s property. The fire broke out around 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, destroying the hostel, mattresses, and other student belongings. The cause of the fire is still unknown.

The Anambra State Fire Service responded swiftly to the distress call, deploying firefighters and a fire truck to contain the blaze. Fire Service Chief Chukwudi Chiketa confirmed the incident and visited the school on Sunday morning to assess the damage. During his inspection, the school’s principal, Ven. Dr. Emendu, described how the fire ravaged part of the hostel, resulting in the tragic death of one student, who was subsequently taken to a mortuary. Thankfully, no other injuries were reported.

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Emendu praised the fire service for their prompt response, which prevented the fire from spreading further. Fire Chief Chiketa expressed his condolences to the school community and the family of the deceased student, acknowledging the profound pain of such a loss and praying for their strength during this difficult time.


In his statement, Chiketa urged the public to remain vigilant about fire safety, emphasizing that while fires can be deadly, they are also preventable with proper precautions.