Abba Kyari, the former Commander of the Force Intelligence Response Team, has been released from Kuje Custodial Centre in Abuja after 27 months behind bars. His release follows a Federal High Court ruling that granted him a two-week bail to attend his mother’s burial, who passed away on May 5, 2024. Justice Emeka Nwite issued the bail on May 22, allowing Kyari temporary freedom.

Adamu Duza, spokesperson for the FCT Command of the Nigerian Correctional Service, confirmed Kyari’s release on Friday. “DCP Kyari has perfected his bail conditions and has since been released today,” Duza stated. This development marks a significant moment in the high-profile case that has gripped the nation’s attention.

Kyari’s detention began on February 14, 2022, when he was arrested by the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) for alleged involvement with an international drug cartel. Alongside Kyari, four members of his Police Intelligence Response Team—Sunday Ubia, Bawa James, Simon Agirigba, and John Nuhu—were also apprehended and arraigned on March 7, 2022.

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The case took a dramatic turn when two alleged drug traffickers, Chibunna Umeibe and Emeka Ezenwanne, arrested at the Akanu Ibiam International Airport in Enugu, pleaded guilty to the charges. Their guilty pleas and subsequent convictions contrasted with Kyari and his team members, who maintained their innocence throughout the proceedings.

As Kyari steps out of prison temporarily, the nation watches closely, anticipating further developments in this unfolding legal saga. The two-week bail period not only grants him a brief respite but also raises questions about the next phases of his trial and the eventual outcomes for all parties involved.