Popular TV personality IK Osakioduwa has expressed his belief that a woman’s primary role is to provide companionship to her husband, rather than to work. He emphasized that he has never shared expenses with his wife and has no intention of doing so in the future.

During his appearance on Toke Makinwa’s Toke Moments podcast, Osakioduwa shared his views on gender roles within marriage. He stated, “God never intended for women to work. God created Adam and placed him in the garden to tend to it. He made a helpmate for Adam, not to assist with the work, because the work was never too much for Adam.”

He explained further, “The Bible said Adam was alone, meaning ‘all one’; every other animal had a pair, but Adam was alone, which is why God created woman. The purpose of every woman in a man’s life is companionship. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be ‘peace of mind.'”

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Osakioduwa continued, “I’m not wealthy, and I don’t claim to be extremely rich, but I don’t look to my wife for financial support. I know many men who split expenses 50/50 with their wives, but I will never do that. My wife doesn’t even know the cost of our children’s school fees. She knows the amount, but she has never had to contribute, and she never will.”

His comments sparked discussions on traditional gender roles and financial responsibilities within marriage.