In a dramatic incident on Monday in Abuja, a man named Shuaibu Yusuf from Borno State was rescued after attempting to commit suicide by climbing a radio mast. Shuaibu, who climbed the mast to protest the removal of fuel subsidies and rampant kidnappings, was persuaded to come down by emergency responders and subsequently taken into custody by the police.

Shuaibu expressed his frustration over several pressing national issues and urged fellow Nigerians to join his cause. He emphasized his willingness to sacrifice his life to highlight these critical problems. Among his demands were the restoration of fuel subsidies, a declaration of a state of emergency to address insecurity, and immediate government action to combat terrorism in Zamfara, Sokoto, Kebbi, Katsina, Niger, and Borno states.

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He also called for the reopening of borders for food importation to tackle the food shortage crisis and urged the government to address the issue of out-of-school children.


The incident attracted the attention of multiple agencies, including the Fire Service, National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), and officials from the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), who were on hand to intervene.

Shuaibu had allegedly left a note outlining his intentions before climbing the mast, which reportedly belongs to Aso Radio.

This incident comes amid a rising number of suicide cases in the country, which health experts attribute to severe economic hardship and widespread hunger.

