Nollywood actress Toyin Abraham has reportedly had an X user arrested after he wished death on her son. The actress, who has faced intense online criticism for supporting President Bola Tinubu during the 2023 general election, engaged in a heated exchange with an X user identified as @Yarlo.

During the exchange, @Yarlo made the inflammatory comment, “Your son go kpai soon.” In response, Toyin promised to make an example of him, to which @Yarlo replied, “Use me as the first scapegoat.”

In a new development, another user claiming to be close to @Yarlo alleged that he was arrested by the Lagos State Police Command for cyberbullying Toyin Abraham. The user, @Reedah, reached out for help, stating: “Hello I’m Reedah and Yarlo is my friend. Heard from his mother that he was arrested 4 days ago. I heard that the police came from Lagos to arrest him for cyberbullying Toyin Abraham. Pls any help you can render will deeply appreciate you.”

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Efforts by DAILY POST to contact the spokesperson for the Lagos State Police Command, Benjamin Hundeyin, for comments on the arrest were unsuccessful.