In a heartbreaking incident, lightning struck and killed two individuals in the Issele-Azagba community of Aniocha North Local Government Area, Delta State. The tragedy occurred during a torrential downpour accompanied by thunder and lightning.

The unfortunate event took place while around 13 youths were playing football on the Osemeke Primary School field. Among the victims was a local Point of Sale (POS) operator, whose identity has yet to be disclosed.

One survivor, identified only as Sunday, is currently in critical condition and receiving treatment at a hospital in Asaba.

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When reached for comment, state police spokesman Mr. Bright Edafe stated, “We heard the rumor, but it was not reported in any of our divisions,” indicating that the incident had not been officially logged with the authorities.

This devastating event has left the community in mourning, with residents reeling from the sudden and tragic loss.