The legendary singer and iconic figure Onyeka Onwenu, known as the “Elegant Stallion,” will be laid to rest today in Lagos. Onwenu, whose sudden death on July 30 shocked the nation, reportedly collapsed and passed away at Reddington Hospital, Ikeja, shortly after performing at the birthday celebration of Dr. Stella Okoli, Managing Director of Emzor Pharmaceuticals.

The funeral service, as announced by her family, will take place at the Fountain of Life Church in Ilupeju, with a private burial to follow at a vault in Ikoyi. The ceremony is set to be a deeply emotional event, honoring the life and legacy of one of Nigeria’s most beloved entertainers.

The Service of Songs is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. and run until noon, with the burial rites taking place from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Close friends, family, and colleagues are expected to gather to pay their final respects to the woman whose voice and presence have left an indelible mark on the Nigerian music scene.

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Onyeka Onwenu’s passing has been a significant loss for the entertainment industry and her countless fans, who remember her not only for her powerful music but also for her contributions to culture, activism, and public service. Her funeral marks the end of an era, but her influence will undoubtedly continue to resonate for years to come.