The Lagos State Police Command has commenced a thorough investigation following the grim discovery of 17-year-old Adeolu Olubade’s body, buried in a shallow grave inside an apartment on Jesus Assembly Omoguwa Street, Ejigbo. A 30-year-old suspect, whose name has been withheld, has been arrested in connection with the crime, which is believed to have occurred on September 2, 2024.

Police spokesperson Benjamin Hundeyin confirmed the incident on Thursday, stating that the victim’s family reported the teenager missing and later discovered his lifeless body buried within the apartment. According to Hundeyin, the family identified the suspect, who lives at the same address, as the individual responsible for the heinous act.

The police were alerted on September 3, 2024, around 8:00 a.m., after which detectives were dispatched to the scene. “The detectives found the body in a shallow grave and took photographs before exhuming it. The body has since been taken to the Isolo General Hospital for a postmortem examination,” Hundeyin explained. The police also recovered a shovel, which is believed to have been used in the burial, and it has been registered as evidence.

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The suspect is currently in custody and will be transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department at Alagbon for further interrogation. The investigation will seek to uncover the motive behind the killing, as the police continue to piece together the details of this shocking crime.

The case bears a chilling resemblance to an earlier murder reported in October 2023, when a 31-year-old woman, Foejiro Ojite, was found dead in her apartment in the Agiliti area of Ketu, Lagos, sparking concerns about rising violent crimes in residential areas.