Chibuke Gabriel, better known as Untouchable Comedies, has shared the heart-wrenching news of his father’s passing due to complications from a long-term stroke. In a poignant video that has gone viral on social media, Untouchable revealed that his father battled the debilitating condition for approximately 20 years before succumbing to it.

The emotional footage shows the late father wrapped in a shroud, surrounded by grieving family members. Untouchable, known for his comedic content, expressed his profound sorrow and described the loss as a significant blow to his family.

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“This is a really tough time for us. I lost my father after a long struggle with stroke. It’s been a difficult journey, but we trust that God knows best,” Untouchable said in the video, which provides a glimpse into his father’s extended battle with the illness.


The video has captured the attention of many, as fans and followers extend their condolences and support during this challenging time.

Watch the video below