A 30-year-old woman, Azumi Abubakar, has tragically lost her life after allegedly catching a young man, Abubakar Abdu, in the act of stealing maize from her property in Gengle village, Mayo Belwa Local Government Area, Adamawa State. According to the Adamawa State Police Command, the incident occurred in the early hours of November 7, when Abdu, 20, allegedly broke into Azumi’s home with the intent to steal.

The police reported that as Abdu attempted to escape with the stolen maize, Azumi recognized him and called out his name. Startled and attempting to avoid exposure, the suspect allegedly attacked her, stabbing her fatally with a knife. Azumi’s husband, who later reported the incident, alerted authorities, leading to Abdu’s apprehension on November 10 by police operatives.

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Adamawa State Police spokesperson, Suleiman Nguroje, confirmed the arrest, stating, “The suspect will face charges in court upon completion of the investigation.” This tragic event has cast a shadow over Gengle village as the community mourns Azumi’s untimely death.
