Big Brother Naija twins, Wanni and Handi, have opened up about a shocking betrayal by a close friend who allegedly leaked their nude photos online. During an interview on the BTS Reality Show podcast, the reality stars recounted a harrowing experience that changed their views on friendship and loyalty, explaining why they now keep a tight circle of trusted allies.

Wanni and Handi revealed that a married woman, whom they once considered a close friend, exposed their private images online following a disagreement. According to Wanni, the fallout stemmed from a confrontation in which they addressed things the woman had allegedly said about them. In an apparent act of retaliation, she published their personal photos on social media. “A married woman we were friends with posted our nude pictures online because we called her out for things she said about us,” Wanni shared, visibly upset by the incident.

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The twins explained that such painful experiences have left them wary of close relationships, especially with people they don’t fully trust. “We’re very scared of people, so we like to keep our friend circle small,” Wanni admitted. Handi echoed the sentiment, noting that they have learned to cut people off at the first sign of betrayal. “Once you hurt us, we just cut you off,” Handi emphasized, reflecting on the lasting impact of their friend’s actions.
