Drama unfolded at the FCT High Court on Wednesday during the scheduled arraignment of former Kogi State Governor, Yahaya Bello, as Justice Maryann Anenih angrily exited the courtroom due to a chaotic crowd.

The tension was palpable as the courtroom overflowed with supporters and aides of the former governor. Justice Anenih, visibly frustrated by the disorder, abruptly rose from her seat, announcing she would not proceed with the session until decorum was restored.

In an unexpected turn of events, Yahaya Bello took control of the situation. Rising from his seat, he addressed the surging crowd, urging his followers to vacate the courtroom. The ex-governor personally monitored the exit, ensuring that his supporters complied with the court’s demand for order. His intervention diffused the tension, as the crowd left the courtroom one by one without resistance.

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Bello then positioned himself at the entrance of the courtroom, ensuring strict adherence to the judge’s directive while maintaining calm among his followers.

The courtroom drama occurred ahead of Bello’s arraignment alongside two co-defendants on 16-count charges led by the federal government’s legal team, spearheaded by Kemi Pinheiro SAN. Representing Bello is a defense team led by Joseph Bodunde Dauda SAN.

Further updates on the arraignment proceedings are expected.