Legendary Japanese actor and singer Miho Nakayama was tragically found dead in her Tokyo home on Friday at the age of 54. Authorities discovered her lifeless body in a bathtub after an acquaintance, concerned about her absence from work, alerted emergency services. Paramedics confirmed her death at the scene, and investigations into the cause are ongoing.

Ms. Nakayama, a celebrated teen idol of the 1980s, rose to fame as a singer during the height of J-pop’s influence and gained global acclaim for her lead role in the 1995 film Love Letter. Her stellar performance earned her multiple Best Actress awards, cementing her legacy in Japanese cinema.

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She had been scheduled to perform a Christmas concert in Osaka on Friday but canceled, citing health concerns. Her agency confirmed the tragic news in a statement expressing shock over her untimely passing.


Nakayama leaves behind a son, who is in the care of her ex-husband, musician Hitonari Tsuji.