Renowned nightlife mogul Pascal Okechukwu, popularly known as Cubana Chief Priest, has refuted claims that the man who received $30,000 from singer Burna Boy is his brother. This clarification comes after a viral video surfaced showing Burna Boy fulfilling his promise to a phone repairer who alleged he was struggling despite being related to the affluent socialite.
The phone repairer gained attention during a social media feud between Burna Boy and Cubana Chief Priest, where he claimed to be the latter’s sibling. Content creator Lucky Uduh, in a video that went viral on Saturday, revealed that Burna Boy had fulfilled his pledge of $30,000 to the man.
Reacting via his Instastory, Cubana Chief Priest dismissed the rumors, asserting that he has only one biological brother and two sisters, all of whom are doing well. He emphasized that the recipient of Burna Boy’s generosity is not related to him.
“Alleged brother! Skit makers f**kin oppressors,” Cubana Chief Priest wrote. “I have only one biological big brother & two kid sisters. They ain’t doing so bad. Regardless, I owe them nothing, na my money, make everybody find their own.”
He also expressed skepticism about whether the $30,000 was genuinely received by the recipient, urging proof to confirm the transaction. Cubana Chief Priest further pointed out that while people often assume responsibilities for others based on perceived affluence, he is not obligated to provide for anyone beyond his immediate choice.
The viral incident has sparked debates online about the nature of celebrity generosity, family dynamics, and social expectations. While Burna Boy’s gesture was praised by many, others questioned the ethics of the claims made by the phone repairer.
As the conversation unfolds, both Cubana Chief Priest and Burna Boy remain trending topics, highlighting the complex intersection of fame, wealth, and public perception.