A devastating auto crash claimed the lives of eight individuals on Monday night in Lavun Local Government Area, Niger State. The accident, which occurred around 8 p.m., involved a Toyota Corolla attempting to overtake another vehicle and colliding head-on with an oncoming tanker trailer en route to Lagos.
Eyewitnesses reported that the victims were farmers from Niger Zone B who had migrated to Dasu village due to insecurity in their communities. The collision left the Toyota Corolla crushed, with all occupants losing their lives on the spot.
Assistant Commander Mohammed Sanusi of the Road Transport Employees Association of Nigeria (RTEAN), Kutigi branch, confirmed the incident, describing the scene as harrowing. “I was shocked when I saw the way the bodies looked in the crushed vehicle… may God Almighty forgive them their shortcomings,” he said.
The accident has left the local community in mourning. The remains of the victims were recovered by personnel from the Road Safety Commission, Red Cross, and RTEAN and were laid to rest on Tuesday in Dasu village.
The incident underscores the urgent need for safer driving practices and stricter enforcement of traffic regulations, especially on highways prone to fatal collisions.