Dear Bro. Fuston
Will I be wrong to say that my past is haunting me? My daughter is nine years old now. I had her when I was in S.S. 2 and immediately she turned one, I was instructed not to breast feed her again and my sister took her home to live with her family in Enugu.


They visit home only during Christmas period, and this assisted me in the completion of my secondary school after missing out one year.
I have also graduated from Imo State University two years ago, and I met the guy who wants to marry me at IMSU.
We have dated for four years, and he has now shown willingness to marry me, but there is a dark side of me which he is unaware of, and that is the fact that the nine year old which most people think is my sister’s last child, is actually mine.
Our wedding plan is in progress, but occasionally, especially when am alone, there is this hollow feeling I get, triggered by this fact. Do I tell him about my child now, or will it be better to inform him after our wedding which is fast approaching?
Udodiri lives in Owerri.

Dear Udodiri,
You don’t need to waste further time; tell him now. We all have our past which is replete with mistakes.
Let me ask you, assuming he is the one keeping such secret from you for years, and only comes to tell you of it after you are legally married, will you be happy?
It is usually a tragedy to begin the foundation of marriage with deceit and falsehood; he may never trust you in anything if he knows about your daughter after your wedding with him
If you must get the trust from him continually, find a way to relay what happened to him and tell him how sorry you are. It could be he has his sordid story to tell you.
He saw you and accepted you the way you are, and I am sure he will still accept you after knowing you have a baby.
Girls like you sometimes should be commended for not committing double sin and going for an abortion when the action results to pregnancy.
In your case, you did not go for abortion which is sacrilege before God and rational beings; you gave birth to the baby
This revelation might even endear you more to him, you never can tell
Stop waiting, go on and tell him now before he gets to know this truth from the wrong person.
Happy weekend

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