By Lamber Ojukwu


But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come; for men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy etc-2nd Timothy 3:1. For every genuine Christian, the above Bible quotation or statement is common knowledge.

I have therefore lifted this divine statement into this piece not because I desire to lay condemnation on Peoples Consciences but to only remind all of us, especially Imolites, majority of who belong to Christendom that our level of charity may be wanning. Succinctly put, there is need to remind Imo people nay entire Nigerians of the need to stop playing politics against our common interest. The penchant to often help the needy and/or indigent in the society is fast dropping and this is not amusing. The Igbo is seriously associated with the Ibu anyi Ndada spirit and love for one another, “Onye aghala nwanne ya”. These days the love and caring spirit with which the Igbo is famous seem to have been drowned by more politics and lack of trust. I have therefore resolved to rekindle the brotherhood spirit of the Igbo and Imolites in particular in this write up, with specific reference to the imperative to support a philanthropic agency set up by the Imo State Governor, Owelle Anayo Rochas Okorocha. The incumbent Governor of Imo State is the first Igbo leader to have set up a humanitarian agency named Imo Foundation. No past Igbo leader has ever cared so much for the wretched of the earth as it were, the lame, crippled, blind, sick, aged et cetera except Governor Okorocha. Therefore he has become the first among equals in humanitarian services.

The Imo Foundation is the state government’s charity organization established to take care of those whose sun has failed to shine. Men, women and children who are befallen with life challenges that are beyond human comprehension. The Okorocha administration which came on board over one year ago has through the activities of the Imo Foundation, headed by Barr. Mrs. Ngozi Njoku, been able to touch many hearts, saved many dying souls and favoured lots and lots of indigent women, children and families.

The humanitarian services of the foundation cuts across the three geo-political zones in Imo State. Like the socio-political and infrastructural development of the peoples governor, as Owelle Okorocha is called by many artisans, urchins and the poor whom he represents in his style of governance; the activities of the foundation is felt by individuals from every part of the state and beyond.


Records show that the foundation has built houses for some poor widows, sponsored the medical treatment of those with all kinds of illnesses such as tumour, goiter, unwanted pregnancy and lots more. The essence of the foundation cannot be over emphasized. Presently, the foundation needs the patronage of many rich Imolites, Igbo people and Nigerians in general to keep doing its humanitarian services to mankind. The establishment of Imo Foundation, I feel surpasses all religious and political inclinations. It is a divine organization which every worthy Christian, well meaning Imolites and Nigerians should please donate, to enable it maintain services to Persons with all manner of diseases who cannot afford the cost of medication for such.

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The state government is currently the only financier of the foundation and this can not be sustained. Infact as I write this piece, I am meant to understand that the foundation’s purse has ran dry. It is a common fact that individuals, world over bankroll Charity organizations; the Red Cross, for example is sponsored by the entire world through the United Nations, UN. No single government, individual or group can fund a charity organization like Imo Foundation alone.
Just last week, my attention was drawn to the inability of the foundation to assist young Chibuike Okafor, a 6year old son of Mr. Obinna Okafor from Ofeahia Amaifeke, Orlu LGA. The report had it that the foundation, when approached pleaded that it cannot afford the sum of $3,000 (three thousand US dollars needed for the surgery of Chibuike’s eye cancer. The amount sums up to N480,000 in Nigerian currency and an Indian hospital has accepted to operate upon the lad.
Every effort made by his petty trading parents to have him cured in the country has failed. The Okafors have been to the Federal Medical Centre Owerri, UNTH Enugu, LASUTH Eye foundation all without any solution. It was at UNTH Enugu that parents of Chibuike were asked to raise $3,000 US dollars for a trip to India for the surgery. The boy has 15 days to live because the cancer has affected his left eye and blocked his left nostril as well so that breathing has become difficult. The lad is dying. We must save this young soul.
Fellow Imolites, Citizens of Nigeria there is the great need not to allow this handsome lad, whose picture is here placed to die. There are also many indigent Imolites with serious ailments like Mr. Ikechukwu who has a tumour on his chin (see picture). This young Imolite is a graduate and he is dying, as well. Like Chibuike and many other brothers and sisters with one serious disease or other, may die, if no help comes their way. Let us therefore rise up to this challenge to save the needy in our society irrespective of any political or religious inclinations.
There is the urgent need for well to do citizens to support Imo Foundation with their cash donation. Equally organization; NGOs, Churches etc are called upon to donate fund to it.

The foresight and humane disposition of Gov. Okorocha is commendable but charity and philanthropy is usually not one man business. Let the spirit of love and care continue to reign, as in the old. Let us save Chibuike who has few days now to live, according to medical experts to stay alive, by donating to his medical fund. Please, reach his father; Obinna on telephone number-08186135121 Mr. Ikechukwu can as well be reached on telephone number 08101580206.

I have a friend who has a sticker on his car, upon which is written, “Givers never lack,” unfortunately my good friend seldom gives. I have equally advised him to remove the sticker because it has become a mockery to his poor image. I pray that our love for one another will not grow cold as premised earlier.

Let brotherly love continue because that to me is the essence of Christianity and creation. Nothing can be more rewarding than giving. Chibuike and Ikechukwu must not be allowed to die. Give as you can and may you be rewarded abundantly.



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