Veteran Nollywood actress Patience Ozokwor, popularly known as Mama G, has revealed the extraordinary sacrifices she made to support her family before rising to fame. Speaking at the pre-premiere dinner for Funke Akindele’s movie Everybody Loves Jenifa, the legendary actress shared how she took on odd jobs, including working in a morgue, to ensure her children’s education and well-being.
“I used to go to the morgue to dress dead bodies so my children could go to school and eat,” she said. “I went through thick and thin to become who I am today. I did a lot of things to make my family what they are today.”
Ozokwor also praised Funke Akindele, describing her as a hard-working woman who reminds her of herself. “Funke Akindele is a very strong woman. I love strong women. She’s a replica of who I am,” Ozokwor added, acknowledging Akindele’s relentless work ethic and resilience.
Reflecting on her journey, Mama G expressed gratitude for the support and recognition she has received from her community. “They saw me through all these struggles, and today they appreciate what I have become,” she said.
Patience Ozokwor, who has been a fixture in Nollywood for decades, remains an inspiration to many, embodying perseverance, hard work, and dedication to family.