Nollywood star Chioma Akpotha has addressed the viral rumors claiming she recently welcomed a baby boy. The actress clarified that the only “new addition” in her life is her latest venture on YouTube.
The speculation began when a congratulatory post surfaced online, prompting Chioma’s best friend and colleague, Omoni Oboli, to share a playful post. In her sarcastic message, Oboli joked about spending hours discussing baby names, breastfeeding plans, and organizing a naming ceremony with Chioma.
Reacting to the post on January 9, 2025, Chioma dismissed the rumors in her signature lighthearted style. “Oh, by the way, on YouTube, I have a set of twins,” she wrote, referring to her new content on the platform.
The actress’s witty response has since gone viral, sparking laughter among fans and colleagues. Many praised her for addressing the situation humorously while promoting her YouTube channel.
Chioma Akpotha, known for her stellar performances in Nollywood and vibrant social media presence, continues to charm audiences with her authenticity and creativity. As she sets her sights on growing her YouTube presence, fans eagerly await the “twins” she has promised to unveil.