A devastating fire in the Oluwatuyi area of Akure, Ondo State, claimed the lives of two young siblings, Jelad Oluwaranakinse, 5, and his brother Jenson, 3, on Wednesday. The boys were reportedly locked inside their apartment by their mother, Mrs. Deborah Oluwaranakinse, who had stepped out to buy food.

Eyewitnesses recounted the horrifying scene, revealing that neighbors tried desperately to extinguish the flames and rescue the children, but their efforts were in vain. “The fire started suddenly, and despite calling the fire service, by the time they arrived, the situation was beyond control,” a witness said.

The inferno reduced the apartment to ashes, and the children were found lifeless after being choked and burnt by the blaze. Their remains have been deposited at the University of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital morgue in Akure.

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The Ondo State Police Command has confirmed the incident and launched an investigation into the cause of the fire. Police Public Relations Officer, Mrs. Funmilayo Odunlami, stated, “The two male children left in the room were choked and burnt. Their mother locked them inside and went out to get food. Investigations are ongoing to determine the exact cause of the fire.”

The tragedy has left the community in mourning and has sparked conversations about child safety and the dangers of leaving young children unattended.

Efforts to determine the cause of the fire are underway, with authorities urging the public to take extra precautions to prevent similar incidents.