Does size really matter?
Is it a true indicator of social status?
These are the kind of questions that come to mind when matters of size are raised. In our present day society, image and appearance has become a measuring tool. By your appearance, people judge your social status. It is now culture for people to judge others at a glance based on mere outlook; their sizes, outfit and shape.

Certain places/countries  have certain appearance standards set out for ladies, men too. Because of this trend, everyone looks towards reaching certain size and appearance to remain socially appealing. An example is sub-Saharan country, Mauritania where Gavage is practiced. Gavage, a French-borrowed word involves “the process of forcibly funneling sweetened milk and millet porridge down the throats of young girls”. This is done to fatten them up. In Mauritania, voluptuous women signify a man’s wealth. Thin women on the other hand are mirrors of lack and poverty. Obese women are highy desired, they as seen as precious ornaments used in beautifying a man’s house.
As an article revealed “centuries old poems glorified women immobilized by fat, moving so slowly they seemed to stand still, unable to hoist themselves onto camels without the aid of men’s willing hands.
These days, Mauritanian families have resorted to drug abuse. Their girls are fed with appetite inducing pills. They also use Anactine, a moroccan-made antihistamine, primarily prescribed for hay fever, but also induces hunger.
This day style vol.17, No 6236, has it that:
“Mauritanian men have also weighed in on the matter and are in full support of the practice. In a T.V. interview, one man, apparently a strong believer in this practice said, “I don’t like skinny women. I want to be able to grab her love handles. I have told my  wife that if she loses a lot of weight, I’ll divorce her”. Another Mauritanian gentleman, a curator of a library of ancient Islamic transcripts mamed seif I’ Islam, in an article was quoted to have said, “A man’s goal is to marry a woman that fills his house. She needs to decorate it like an armoire or a TV set”.
It is not surprising that Mauritania is now filled with overweight women who fall into the 220-350 pounds bracket. These women are at the risk of not moving without aid, joint bruises and heart ailments.
On the other hand, ladies of our part go extra mile to ensure that they attain the hourglass shape or at least a model-like shape. If you are opportune to leave your house as early as 6am down to the streets of Owerri, you will see women of several sizes, burning off fat through several road-walk exercises, just to stay on the slim side. Yes, different strokes for different folks.
Is it right to judge people based on size? It is true that appearance matters even when we know that at times, it could be deceptive.
Personally, I think there is nothing wrong in moving along with trend. But whatever you do to shaken-up, look beautiful or meet up with society’s demand, be very careful because you may be causing yourself severe harm.
