Some sweet moments at the red carpet of the 7th edition of Deejay Saquo’s Star Nite.
Banana mouth and MC T-Boy
Pluto and Princessa
Jegz B and Princessa
Baff up, Jegz B, Ice Beats Sean and Rayde
Mbryo, Princessa and Ruggedman
Sammy Davis, Vecko Kyngz and MC X
Mbryo, Hardy, Ruggedman
Princessa, Ruggedman
Mbryo, Ruggedman
XBuster, NaniBars, Baff Up, Suspense Babani
Saquo and a lady
Pixy P and pals
Xbusta, MC Ichie and another
DJ Light and Noc D, CEO Noc Music1
Obidi and pals
Nani, Suspense and SEaflo
Somik, Nani, LMG, Hardy, Suspense
Photos by De-Lite Media for